And Another One…

And Another One…

I’m coming up on the 3rd anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis this week. It was April 8, 2020, when I went in for the ultrasound that quickly led to my first mammogram and a same-day (pandemic-style) biopsy. I’ll never forget the ultrasound tech saying, “I hope it all goes well for you,” and that was probably the exact second I realized I was in for a wild ride.

Today, I went in for my annual mammogram and MRI. Actually, I’ve been putting off my MRI since 2021 when I had an MRI and another MRI biopsy back to back and my face broke out in horrible acne which I now know was related to my body having difficulty eliminating the gadolinium from the MRI contrast… So, it’s been 18 months since I had an MRI, and I still hesitate whenever my doctor recommends it. The benefits are that they are more sensitive than a mammogram (great option for additional screening for someone with dense breasts like me) and the downfalls are that they are more sensitive and often lead to more biopsies (hopefully of the benign sort)! The contrast is still a concern for me so I’m using a support protocol that my naturopath has recommended so I can avoid any weird side effects, especially the kind that come with heavy metals toxicity.

Anyway, while I wait for official results (I already got the preliminary “mammo looks good” from my radiologist), I’m manifesting 2.5 years officially cancer free! Even though I finished treatment, the work has still continued toward optimizing my health for prevention of recurrence. I continue to work with my naturopath, eat a well-balanced diet, exercise (aerobic and strength training), manage my stress levels, and do all my cancer screenings. We can’t ever know what the future holds because we’re not in control of a lot of things, but I stand by the saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Even though the cancer-y stuff is still prominent in my life, it’s no longer at the forefront and I’m thankful for that. Some days my diagnosis feels like it was yesterday and some days it’s like none of it ever happened. I know that someone out there needs to hear that life CAN go back to feeling normal again after cancer, if you make it so.

I get to go to work and treat my patients every day, I get to teach really awesome PT students, and I’ve been busy learning and teaching Pilates, too. I’m the strongest I’ve been since treatment, and I’m proud of the hard work I’ve put in. I’m working on saying yes to the things that light me up and NO to the things that I don’t feel 100% sure about. Justin and I have had fun becoming cat parents and we just got back from a 2-week trip to Europe! There are many adventures to be had after cancer and I say, “Keep ’em coming!”

Here’s hoping you’re all out there seeking the next adventure today. Wishing you all good health and happiness!

Aloha ❤

2 thoughts on “And Another One…

  1. I am so happy for you. That is the best news ever. You are a fighter and I believe that’s part of the reason you are cured and what you’re doing all the exercise and eating right will help you to continue out on that road of success to your health. Positive thinking also helps and that my dear one you have, and that is a great thing. Love to join your Pilates class. Let me know more about it. I miss you both love to see you. I too have two cats and I love them, hard to think life without our cats. Love you I am so happy for you.
    Much Aloha Kai🙏❤️🌈


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